Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the features of VQNet

Answer: VQNet is a quantum machine learning toolset developed based on the original quantum pyQPanda. VQNet provides a rich and easy-to-use classic neural network computing module interface, which can be easily optimized for machine learning. The model definition method is consistent with the mainstream machine learning framework, which reduces the learning cost for users. At the same time, based on the high-performance quantum simulator pyQPanda developed by Origin Quantum, VQNet can also support a large number of qubit operations on personal laptops. Finally, VQNet also has a wealth of Quantum Machine Learning Demos for your reference and learning.

Q: How to use VQNet to train quantum machine learning models

Answer: One category of quantum machine learning algorithms is to build differentiable quantum machine learning models based on quantum variational circuits. VQNet can train such quantum machine learning models using gradient descent. The general steps are as follows: First, on the local computer, the user can construct a virtual machine through CPUQVM() of pyQPanda, and combine the interface provided in VQNet to construct a quantum, quantum-classical hybrid model Module; secondly, call the forward() of Module can perform quantum circuit simulation and classical neural network forward operation according to the user-defined operation mode; When calling backward() of Module, the model built by the user can be automatically differentiated like a classic machine learning framework such as PyTorch, and calculate the quantum variation circuit and the parameter gradient in the classical computing layer; finally combine the optimizer The step() function performs parameter optimization.

In VQNet, we use parameter-shift to compute the gradient of the quantum variational circuit. Users can use The QuantumLayer and QuantumLayerV2 classes provided by VQNet have encapsulated the automatic differentiation of quantum variational circuits. Users only need to define quantum variational circuits in a certain format as parameters to construct the above classes. For details, please refer to the relevant interfaces and sample codes in this document.

Q: In Windows, I encountered an error when installing VQNet: “importError: DLL load failed while importing _core: The specified module could not be found.”

Answer: Users may need to install the VC++ runtime library on Windows. Refer to to install the appropriate runtime library. In addition, VQNet currently only supports python3.8,3.9,3.10 version, so please confirm your python version.

Q: How to call the original quantum cloud and quantum chip for calculation

Answer: Using pyQPanda’s cloud resources, you can use high-performance computer clusters or real quantum computers in quantum circuit simulation, and replace local quantum circuit simulation with cloud computing. In VQNet, if users use QuantumLayerV2 to build variable quantum circuit modules, they can use pyQPanda’s cloud service interface QCloud() interface Instead of the local full-amplitude simulator CPUQVM(), the measurement function is also modified accordingly, see QCloudServer for details. If the user uses QuantumLayer to build a variable quantum circuit module, and uses the machine_type_or_cloud_token parameter to input the applied QCloud token, the module can build a cloud virtual machine internally.

Q: Why are the model parameters I defined not updated during training

Answer: To build a VQNet model, it is necessary to ensure that all modules used in it are differentiable. When a module of the model cannot calculate the gradient, this module and the previous modules cannot use the chain rule to calculate the gradient. If the user defines a quantum variation circuit, please use the QuantumLayer and QuantumLayerV2 interfaces provided by VQNet. For classic machine learning modules, you need to use the interfaces defined by QTensor Module and Classical Neural Network Module. These interfaces encapsulate the function of gradient calculation, and VQNet can perform automatic differentiation.

If the user wants to use a list containing multiple modules as a submodule in Module, please do not use the List that comes with python, you need to use pyvqnet.nn.module.ModuleList instead of List. In this way, the training parameters of the sub-modules can be registered to the whole model, enabling automatic differential training. Here are examples:


from pyvqnet. tensor import *
from pyvqnet.nn import Module,Linear,ModuleList
from pyvqnet.qnn import ProbsMeasure, QuantumLayer
import pyqpanda as pq
def pqctest(input, param, qubits, cubits, m_machine):
    circuit = pq. QCircuit()





    prog = pq.QProg()
    prog. insert(circuit)

    rlt_prob = ProbsMeasure([0,2],prog,m_machine,qubits)
    return rlt_prob

class M(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(M, self).__init__()
        #Should be built using ModuleList
        self.pqc2 = ModuleList([QuantumLayer(pqctest,3,"cpu",4,1), Linear(4,1)
        #Direct use of list cannot save the parameters in pqc3.
        #self.pqc3 = [QuantumLayer(pqctest,3,"cpu",4,1), Linear(4,1)
    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        y = self.pqc2[0](x) + self.pqc2[1](x)
        return y

mm = M()
print(mm. state_dict(). keys())

Q: Why did the original code not run in version 2.0.7

Answer: In version v2.0.7, we added different data types and dtype attributes to QTensor, and restricted input based on PyTorch. For example, the Emedding layer input needs to be kint64, CategoricalCrossEntropy, CrossEntropyLoss, SoftmaxCrossEntropy, NLL_Loss layers’s label for Loss and needs to be kint64.

You can use the ‘astype()’ interface to convert the type to the specified data type, or initialize the QTensor using the corresponding data type numpy array.