Steps of VQNet Installation

VQNet python package Installation

We provide precompiled Python packages for installation on Linux, Windows, x86_64 OSX >=10.12, arm64 OSX >=13.0, supporting python3.8, 3.9, or 3.10.

For Linux systems, pyvqnet offers accelerated computation for classic neural networks based on Nvidia GPU. If your computer’s GPU is GTX10 series or later, you can build models with pyvqnet’s GPU functionality by installing cuda11.7 following the official CUDA website.

pip install pyvqnet --index-url

Validate VQNet’s installation

import pyvqnet
from pyvqnet.tensor import *
a = arange(1,25).reshape([2, 3, 4])

A simple case of VQNet

Here we introduced a case which consisted with classical neural network modules and quantum modules of VQNet to describing the workflow of quantum machine learning. It refers to Data re-uploading for a universal quantum classifier . Generally, there are following parts of quantum computing module in quantum machine learning:

(1)Encoder:encoding classical data into quantum state;

(2)Ansats: training the parameters in Parameterized Quantum Gates;

(3)Measurement: measuring the value of a qubit(projection of qubit’s quantum state in a specified axis).

Quantum computing module is the theoretical basis of the hybrid model of quantum classical neural network, which is also differentiable like the module of classical neural network. VQNet supports quantum computing module and classical computing module to form a hybrid machine learning model, and provides a variety of optimization algorithm optimization parameters. (e.g. Convolution layer, pooling layer, full connection layer, activation function, etc.)


Using the interface of quantum logic gate, quantum circuit , Quantum simulator, Measurement of pyqpanda , we can build a quantum computing module by the pyqpanda, that can be trained as a part of VQNet.

Here are an example using multiple Parameterized rotated gates like RX, RY, RZ to encode x into a quantum state as a input, meanwhile using prob_run_dict() to detecting the probilities of measurement as a output based on a single qubit.

import pyqpanda as pq
def qdrl_circuit(input,weights,qlist,clist,machine):

        x1 = input.squeeze()
        param1 = weights.squeeze()
        circult = pq.QCircuit()
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], x1[0]))
        circult.insert(pq.RY(qlist[0], x1[1]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], x1[2]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], param1[0]))
        circult.insert(pq.RY(qlist[0], param1[1]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], param1[2]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], x1[0]))
        circult.insert(pq.RY(qlist[0], x1[1]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], x1[2]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], param1[3]))
        circult.insert(pq.RY(qlist[0], param1[4]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], param1[5]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], x1[0]))
        circult.insert(pq.RY(qlist[0], x1[1]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], x1[2]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], param1[6]))
        circult.insert(pq.RY(qlist[0], param1[7]))
        circult.insert(pq.RZ(qlist[0], param1[8]))

        prog = pq.QProg()


        prob = machine.prob_run_dict(prog, qlist, -1)
        prob = list(prob.values())
        return prob

Our task is to classify these data which is generated randomly based on binary classification algorithm. In this task, 0 is a circle’s center, points within radius by 1 colored in red are one category, the samples are labeled in blue are another category.


The pipeline of the training process

# import required libraries and functions
from pyvqnet.qnn.qdrl.vqnet_model import qdrl_circuit
from pyvqnet.qnn.quantumlayer import QuantumLayer
from pyvqnet.optim import adam
from pyvqnet.nn.loss import CategoricalCrossEntropy
from pyvqnet.tensor import QTensor
import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.nn.module import Module

Defining a model, where __init__ function defines the internal neural network modules and quantum modules, and forward function defines the forward function, QuantumLayer is an abstract class that encapsulates quantum computing. VQNet will calculate the parameters’ gradient automatically with qdrl_circuit, param_num , cpu, qbit_num .

# number of parameters to be trained.
param_num = n_eval
# qubit number.
qbit_num  = 1
    #define a model class inherits from Module.
class Model(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        #use QuantumLayer to embed quantum circuit into autodiff pipeline.
        self.pqc = QuantumLayer(qdrl_circuit,param_num,"cpu",qbit_num)
    #define the forward function
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.pqc(x)
        return x

Definiting some functions of training model

# a function to generating the raw data randomly
def circle(samples:int,  rads =  np.sqrt(2/np.pi)) :
    data_x, data_y = [], []
    for i in range(samples):
        x = 2*np.random.rand(2) - 1
        y = [0,1]
        if np.linalg.norm(x) < rads:
            y = [1,0]
    return np.array(data_x,dtype=np.float32), np.array(data_y,np.int64)

# a funntion to loading data
def get_minibatch_data(x_data, label, batch_size):
    for i in range(0,x_data.shape[0]-batch_size+1,batch_size):
        idxs = slice(i, i + batch_size)
        yield x_data[idxs], label[idxs]

# a function to computing the accuracy
def get_score(pred, label):
    pred, label = np.array(, np.array(
    pred = np.argmax(pred,axis=1)
    score = np.argmax(label,1)
    score = np.sum(pred == score)
    return score

VQNet follows the general workflow of machine learning: loading the data iteratively, front propagation, calculating loss function, back propagation, updating the parameter.

# instantiating a model
model = Model()
# using Adam to define a optimizer
optimizer = adam.Adam(model.parameters(),lr =0.6)
# using cross-entropy to define a loss function
Closs = CategoricalCrossEntropy()

A function to train the model

def train():

    #  generate data to be trained randomly
    x_train, y_train = circle(500)
    x_train = np.hstack((x_train, np.zeros((x_train.shape[0], 1),dtype=np.float32))))
    # define the number of data about each batch
    batch_size = 32
    # Maximum of training iteration times
    epoch = 10
    print("start training...........")
    for i in range(epoch):
        accuracy = 0
        count = 0
        loss = 0
        for data, label in get_minibatch_data(x_train, y_train,batch_size):
            # clear the cache of optimizer
            # forward computing
            output = model(data)
            # calculating loss function
            losss = Closs(label, output)
            # anti-propagation
            # update the parameter of optimizer
            # calculate the accuracy
            accuracy += get_score(output,label)

            loss += losss.item()
            count += batch_size

        print(f"epoch:{i}, train_accuracy:{accuracy/count}")
        print(f"epoch:{i}, train_loss:{loss/count}\n")

A function to validate the model

def test():

    batch_size = 1
    print("start eval...................")
    xtest, y_test = circle(500)
    test_accuracy = 0
    count = 0
    x_test = np.hstack((xtest, np.zeros((xtest.shape[0], 1),dtype=np.float32)))
    predicted_test = []
    for test_data, test_label in get_minibatch_data(x_test,y_test, batch_size):

        test_data, test_label = QTensor(test_data),QTensor(test_label)
        output = model(test_data)
        test_accuracy += get_score(output, test_label)
        count += batch_size


Training and testing results

start training...........
epoch:0, train_accuracy:0.6145833333333334
epoch:0, train_loss:0.020432369535168013

epoch:1, train_accuracy:0.6854166666666667
epoch:1, train_loss:0.01872217481335004

epoch:2, train_accuracy:0.8104166666666667
epoch:2, train_loss:0.016634768371780715

epoch:3, train_accuracy:0.7479166666666667
epoch:3, train_loss:0.016975031544764835

epoch:4, train_accuracy:0.7875
epoch:4, train_loss:0.016502128106852372

epoch:5, train_accuracy:0.8083333333333333
epoch:5, train_loss:0.0163204787299037

epoch:6, train_accuracy:0.8083333333333333
epoch:6, train_loss:0.01634311651190122

epoch:7, train_loss:0.016330583145221074

epoch:8, train_accuracy:0.8125
epoch:8, train_loss:0.01629052646458149

epoch:9, train_accuracy:0.8083333333333333
epoch:9, train_loss:0.016270687493185203

start eval...................