XTensor classic neural network modules

The following classic neural network modules all support automatic backward propagation computation in XTensor. After running the forward function, you need to define the forward computation within the scope of with pyvqnet.xtensor.autograd.tape():. This will include operators that need automatic differentiation into the computational graph. Then executing the backward function will get the computed gradients of XTensor s with requires_grad == True.


XTensor related functions are in the development stage. Currently, they only support classic neural network calculations and cannot be mixed with the QTenor-based interface introduced above. If you need to train a quantum machine learning model, please use the relevant interfaces under QTensor.

A simple example of a convolution layer is as follows:

from pyvqnet.xtensor import arange
from pyvqnet import kfloat32
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Conv2D,autograd

# an image feed into two dimension convolution layer
b = 2        # batch size
ic = 2       # input channels
oc = 2      # output channels
hw = 4      # input width and heights

# two dimension convolution layer
test_conv = Conv2D(ic,oc,(2,2),(2,2),"same")

# input of shape [b,ic,hw,hw]
x0 = arange(1,b*ic*hw*hw+1,dtype=kfloat32).reshape([b,ic,hw,hw])
x0.requires_grad = True
with autograd.tape():
#forward function
    x = test_conv(x0)

#backward function with autograd
[[[[-0.0194679  0.1530238 -0.0194679  0.1530238]
[ 0.2553246  0.1616782  0.2553246  0.1616782]
[-0.0194679  0.1530238 -0.0194679  0.1530238]
[ 0.2553246  0.1616782  0.2553246  0.1616782]]

[[ 0.0285322  0.1099411  0.0285322  0.1099411]
[ 0.3087625 -0.0679072  0.3087625 -0.0679072]
[ 0.0285322  0.1099411  0.0285322  0.1099411]
[ 0.3087625 -0.0679072  0.3087625 -0.0679072]]]

[[[-0.0194679  0.1530238 -0.0194679  0.1530238]
[ 0.2553246  0.1616782  0.2553246  0.1616782]
[-0.0194679  0.1530238 -0.0194679  0.1530238]
[ 0.2553246  0.1616782  0.2553246  0.1616782]]

[[ 0.0285322  0.1099411  0.0285322  0.1099411]
[ 0.3087625 -0.0679072  0.3087625 -0.0679072]
[ 0.0285322  0.1099411  0.0285322  0.1099411]
[ 0.3087625 -0.0679072  0.3087625 -0.0679072]]]]
<XTensor 2x2x4x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>


Abstract calculation module


class pyvqnet.xtensor.module.Module

The base class for all neural network modules, including quantum or classical modules. Your model should also be a subclass of this for autograd computation. Modules can also contain other Module classes, allowing them to be nested in a tree structure. You can assign submodules as member variables:


class Model(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = pyvqnet.xtensor.Conv2D(1, 20, (5,5))
        self.conv2 = pyvqnet.xtensor.Conv2D(20, 20, (5,5))
    def forward(self, x):
        x = pyvqnet.xtensor.relu(self.conv1(x))
        return pyvqnet.xtensor.relu(self.conv2(x))


pyvqnet.xtensor.module.Module.forward(x, *args, **kwargs)

Module class abstracts the forward computation function

  • x – Input XTensor.

  • *args – Non-keyword variadic parameters.

  • **kwargs – keyword variadic parameters.


Module’s output.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
import pyvqnet as vq
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Conv2D
b = 2
ic = 3
oc = 2
test_conv = Conv2D(ic, oc, (3, 3), (2, 2), "same")
x0 = XTensor(np.arange(1, b * ic * 5 * 5 + 1).reshape([b, ic, 5, 5]),
x = test_conv.forward(x0)

# [
# [[[4.3995643, 3.9317808, -2.0707254],
#  [20.1951981, 21.6946659, 14.2591858],
#  [38.4702759, 31.9730244, 24.5977650]],
# [[-17.0607567, -31.5377998, -7.5618000],
#  [-22.5664024, -40.3876266, -15.1564388],
#  [-3.1080279, -18.5986233, -8.0648050]]],
# [[[6.6493244, -13.4840755, -20.2554188],
#  [54.4235802, 34.4462433, 26.8171902],
#  [90.2827682, 62.9092331, 51.6892929]],
# [[-22.3385429, -45.2448578, 5.7101378],
#  [-32.9464149, -60.9557228, -10.4994345],
#  [5.9029331, -20.5480480, -0.9379558]]]
# ]


pyvqnet.xtensor.module.Module.state_dict(destination=None, prefix='')

Returns a dictionary containing the entire state of the module: including parameters and cached values

  • destination – Return the dictionary that saves the internal modules and parameters of the model.

  • prefix – Name prefix for used parameters and cached values.


a dict.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import Conv2D
test_conv = Conv2D(2,3,(3,3),(2,2),"same")
#odict_keys(['weights', 'bias'])


pyvqnet.xtensor.module.Module.toGPU(device: int = DEV_GPU_0)

Moves the parameters and buffered data of a module and its submodules to the specified GPU device.

device specifies the device whose internal data is stored. When device >= DEV_GPU_0, the data is stored on the GPU. If your computer has multiple GPUs, You can specify different devices to store data. For example, device = DEV_GPU_1, DEV_GPU_2, DEV_GPU_3, … means that it is stored on GPUs with different serial numbers.


Module cannot be calculated on different GPUs. If you try to create a XTensor on a GPU with an ID that exceeds the maximum number of verification GPUs, a Cuda error will be raised.


device – The device currently storing XTensor, default = DEV_GPU_0.device = pyvqnet.DEV_GPU_0, stored in the first GPU, devcie = DEV_GPU_1, stored in the second GPU, and so on


Module moved to GPU device.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import ConvT2D
test_conv = ConvT2D(3, 2, (4,4), (2, 2), "same")
test_conv = test_conv.toGPU()



Moves parameters and buffer data of a module and its submodules to specific CPU devices.


Module moved to CPU device.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import ConvT2D
test_conv = ConvT2D(3, 2, (4,4), (2, 2), "same")
test_conv = test_conv.toCPU()

Save and load model parameters

The following interface can save model parameters to a file, or read parameter files from a file. However, please note that the model structure is not saved in the file, and the user needs to manually build the model structure.


pyvqnet.xtensor.storage.save_parameters(obj, f)

Save a dictionary of model parameters to a file.

  • obj – The dictionary to be saved.

  • f – file name to save parameters.




from pyvqnet.xtensor import Module,Conv2D,save_parameters

class Net(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = Conv2D(input_channels=1, output_channels=6, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1), padding="valid")

    def forward(self, x):
        return super().forward(x)

model = Net()



Load parameters from a file into a dictionary.


f – file name to save parameters.


Dictionary to save parameters.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import Module, Conv2D,load_parameters,save_parameters

class Net(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = Conv2D(input_channels=1,
                            kernel_size=(5, 5),
                            stride=(1, 1),

    def forward(self, x):
        return super().forward(x)

model = Net()
model1 = Net()  # another Module object
save_parameters(model.state_dict(), "tmp.model")
model_para = load_parameters("tmp.model")


class pyvqnet.xtensor.module.ModuleList([pyvqnet.xtensor.module.Module])

Save submodules in a list. ModuleList can be indexed like a normal Python list, and the internal parameters of the Module it contains can be saved.


modules – nn.Modules list


a list of modules


from pyvqnet.xtensor import Module, Linear, ModuleList

class M(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(M, self).__init__()
        self.dense = ModuleList([Linear(4, 2), Linear(4, 2)])

    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        y = self.dense[0](x) + self.dense[1](x)
        return y

mm = M()

[[ 0.8224208  0.3421015  0.2118234  0.1082053]
[-0.8264768  1.1017226 -0.3860411 -1.6656817]]
<Parameter 2x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>), ('dense.0.bias',
[0.4125615 0.4414732]
<Parameter 2 cpu(0) kfloat32>), ('dense.1.weights',
[[ 1.8939902  0.8871605 -0.3880418 -0.4815852]
[-0.0956827  0.2667428  0.2900301  0.4039476]]
<Parameter 2x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>), ('dense.1.bias',
[-0.0544764  0.0289595]
<Parameter 2 cpu(0) kfloat32>)])

Classical Neural Network Layers

The following implements some classic neural network layers: convolution, transposed convolution, pooling, normalization, recurrent neural network, etc.


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Conv1D(input_channels: int, output_channels: int, kernel_size: int, stride: int = 1, padding='valid', use_bias: bool = True, kernel_initializer=None, bias_initializer=None, dilation_rate: int = 1, group: int = 1, dtype=None, name='')

Apply a 1-dimensional convolution kernel over an input . Inputs to the conv module are of shape (batch_size, input_channels, height)

  • input_channelsint - Number of input channels

  • output_channelsint - Number of kernels

  • kernel_sizeint - Size of a single kernel. kernel shape = [output_channels,input_channels/group,kernel_size,1]

  • strideint - Stride, defaults to 1

  • paddingstr|int - padding option, which can be a string {‘valid’, ‘same’} or an integer giving the amount of implicit padding to apply . Default “valid”.

  • use_biasbool - if use bias, defaults to True

  • kernel_initializercallable - Defaults to None

  • bias_initializercallable - Defaults to None

  • dilation_rateint - dilated size, defaults: 1

  • groupint - number of groups of grouped convolutions. Default: 1

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – The name of the module, default: “”.


a Conv1D class


padding='valid' is the same as no padding.

padding='same' pads the input so the output has the shape as the input.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Conv1D
import pyvqnet
b= 2
ic =3
oc = 2
test_conv = Conv1D(ic,oc,3,2,"same")
x0 = XTensor(np.arange(1,b*ic*5*5 +1).reshape([b,ic,25]),dtype=pyvqnet.kfloat32)
x = test_conv.forward(x0)
[[[ 17.637825   26.841843   28.811993   30.782139   32.752293
    34.72244    36.69259    38.66274    40.63289    42.603035
    44.57319    46.543335   36.481537 ]
6274   106.63289                            707144  -4.07236
108.60304   110.57319   112.54334   114.5789382  -3.58058381349   116.48363
118.45379   120.423935   85.522644 ]
[ 34.14579    -0.6791078  -0.5807535  -0.46274   106.63289823973  -0.384041                           1349   116.48363
    -0.2856848  -0.1873342  -0.088978    0.0093744   0.107725                           823973  -0.384041
    0.2060831   0.3044413  -1.8352301]]]   093744   0.107725
<XTensor 2x2x13 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Conv2D(input_channels: int, output_channels: int, kernel_size: tuple, stride: tuple = (1, 1), padding='valid', use_bias=True, kernel_initializer=None, bias_initializer=None, dilation_rate: int = 1, group: int = 1, dtype=None, name='')

Apply a two-dimensional convolution kernel over an input . Inputs to the conv module are of shape (batch_size, input_channels, height, width)

  • input_channelsint - Number of input channels

  • output_channelsint - Number of kernels

  • kernel_sizetuple|list - Size of a single kernel. kernel shape = [output_channels,input_channels/group,kernel_size,kernel_size]

  • stridetuple|list - Stride, defaults to (1, 1)|[1,1]

  • paddingstr|tuple - padding option, which can be a string {‘valid’, ‘same’} or a tuple of integers giving the amount of implicit padding to apply on both sides. Default “valid”.

  • use_biasbool - if use bias, defaults to True

  • kernel_initializercallable - Defaults to None

  • bias_initializercallable - Defaults to None

  • dilation_rateint - dilated size, defaults: 1

  • groupint - number of groups of grouped convolutions. Default: 1.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – The name of the module, default: “”.


a Conv2D class


padding='valid' is the same as no padding.

padding='same' pads the input so the output has the shape as the input.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Conv2D
import pyvqnet
b= 2
ic =3
oc = 2
test_conv = Conv2D(ic,oc,(3,3),(2,2),"same")
x0 = XTensor(np.arange(1,b*ic*5*5+1).reshape([b,ic,5,5]),dtype=pyvqnet.kfloat32)
x = test_conv.forward(x0)
[[[[13.091256  16.252321   6.009256 ]
[25.834864  29.57479   10.406249 ]
[17.177385  27.90065   11.024535 ]]

[[ 9.705042  11.656831   8.584356 ]
[23.186415  29.151287  17.489706 ]
[23.500261  23.620876  15.1604395]]]

[[[55.944958  66.7173    31.89055  ]
[86.231346  99.19392   44.14594  ]
[53.740646  83.22319   33.986828 ]]

[[44.75199   41.64939   35.985905 ]
[54.717422  73.95048   48.546726 ]
[33.874504  40.06319   31.02438  ]]]]
<XTensor 2x2x3x3 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.ConvT2D(input_channels, output_channels, kernel_size, stride=[1, 1], padding='valid', use_bias='True', kernel_initializer=None, bias_initializer=None, dilation_rate: int = 1, group: int = 1, dtype=None, name='')

Apply a two-dimensional transposed convolution kernel over an input. Inputs to the convT module are of shape (batch_size, input_channels, height, width)

  • input_channelsint - Number of input channels

  • output_channelsint - Number of kernels

  • kernel_sizetuple|list - Size of a single kernel. kernel shape = [input_channels,output_channels/group,kernel_size,kernel_size]

  • stridetuple|list - Stride, defaults to (1, 1)|[1,1]

  • paddingstr|tuple - padding option, which can be a string {‘valid’, ‘same’} or a tuple of integers giving the amount of implicit padding to apply on both sides. Default “valid”.

  • use_biasbool - Whether to use a offset item. Default to use

  • kernel_initializercallable - Defaults to None

  • bias_initializercallable - Defaults to None

  • dilation_rateint - dilated size, defaults: 1

  • groupint - number of groups of grouped convolutions. Default: 1.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – The name of the module, default: “”.


a ConvT2D class


padding='valid' is the same as no padding.

padding='same' pads the input so the output has the shape as the input.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import ConvT2D
import pyvqnet
test_conv = ConvT2D(3, 2, (3, 3), (1, 1), "valid")
x = XTensor(np.arange(1, 1 * 3 * 5 * 5+1).reshape([1, 3, 5, 5]), dtype=pyvqnet.kfloat32)
y = test_conv.forward(x)

[[[[  5.4529057  -3.32444     9.211117    9.587392    9.963668
    4.5622444  14.397371 ]
[ 18.834743   21.769156   36.432068   37.726788   39.021515
    18.737175   16.340559 ]
[ 29.79763    39.767223   61.934864   63.825333   65.715805
    34.09302    23.981941 ]
[ 33.684406   45.685955   71.38721    73.27768    75.16815
    39.658592   27.515562 ]
[ 37.571186   51.604687   80.839554   82.730034   84.6205
    45.224167   31.049183 ]
[ 33.69648    61.94682    71.845085   73.359276   74.873474
    39.471508   10.021905 ]
[ 12.103746   23.482103   31.11521    31.710955   32.306698
    19.998552    7.940914 ]]

[[  4.769257    6.5511374   9.029368    9.207671    9.385972
    3.762906    2.1653163]
[ -8.366173    0.0307169  -0.3826299  -0.5054388  -0.6282487
    8.602992   -0.3027873]
[ -9.106487   -4.8349705   1.0091982   0.9871688   0.9651423
    12.1995535   6.483701 ]
[-11.156897   -5.4630694   0.8990631   0.8770366   0.855011
    14.13983     7.001668 ]
[-13.207303   -6.09117     0.7889295   0.7669029   0.7448754
    16.080103    7.5196342]
[-25.585697  -18.799192  -12.708595  -12.908926  -13.109252
    15.557721    7.1425896]
[ -4.400727   -4.76725     4.1210976   4.2218823   4.322665
    10.08579     9.516866 ]]]]
<XTensor 1x2x7x7 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.AvgPool1D(kernel, stride, padding='valid', name='')

This operation applies a 1D average pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes.

  • kernel – size of the average pooling windows

  • strides – factor by which to downscale

  • padding – one of “valid”, “same” or integer specifies the padding value, defaults to “valid”

  • name – name of the output layer.


AvgPool1D layer


padding='valid' is the same as no padding.

padding='same' pads the input so the output has the shape as the input.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import AvgPool1D
test_mp = AvgPool1D(3,2,"same")
x= XTensor(np.array([0, 1, 0, 4, 5,
                            2, 3, 2, 1, 3,
                            4, 4, 0, 4, 3,
                            2, 5, 2, 6, 4,
                            1, 0, 0, 5, 7],dtype=float).reshape([1,5,5]),requires_grad=True)

y= test_mp.forward(x)
# [
# [[0.3333333, 1.6666666, 3.],
#  [1.6666666, 2., 1.3333334],
#  [2.6666667, 2.6666667, 2.3333333],
#  [2.3333333, 4.3333335, 3.3333333],
#  [0.3333333, 1.6666666, 4.]]
# ]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.MaxPool1D(kernel, stride, padding='valid', name='')

This operation applies a 1D max pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes.

  • kernel – size of the max pooling windows

  • strides – factor by which to downscale

  • padding – one of “valid”, “same” or integer specifies the padding value, defaults to “valid”

  • name – The name of the module, default: “”.


MaxPool1D layer


padding='valid' is the same as no padding.

padding='same' pads the input so the output has the shape as the input.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import MaxPool1D
test_mp = MaxPool1D(3,2,"same")
x= XTensor(np.array([0, 1, 0, 4, 5,
                            2, 3, 2, 1, 3,
                            4, 4, 0, 4, 3,
                            2, 5, 2, 6, 4,
                            1, 0, 0, 5, 7],dtype=float).reshape([1,5,5]),requires_grad=True)

y= test_mp.forward(x)
#[[[1. 4. 5.]
#   [3. 3. 3.]
#   [4. 4. 4.]
#   [5. 6. 6.]
#   [1. 5. 7.]]]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.AvgPool2D(kernel, stride, padding='valid', name='')

This operation applies 2D average pooling over input features .

  • kernel – size of the average pooling windows

  • strides – factors by which to downscale

  • padding – one of “valid”, “same” or tuple with integers specifies the padding value of column and row,defaults to “valid”

  • name – name of the output layer


AvgPool2D layer


padding='valid' is the same as no padding.

padding='same' pads the input so the output has the shape as the input.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import AvgPool2D
test_mp = AvgPool2D((2,2),(2,2),"valid")
x= XTensor(np.array([0, 1, 0, 4, 5,
                            2, 3, 2, 1, 3,
                            4, 4, 0, 4, 3,
                            2, 5, 2, 6, 4,
                            1, 0, 0, 5, 7],dtype=float).reshape([1,1,5,5]),requires_grad=True)

y= test_mp.forward(x)
#[[[[1.5  1.75]
#    [3.75 3.  ]]]]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.MaxPool2D(kernel, stride, padding='valid', name='')

This operation applies 2D max pooling over input features.

  • kernel – size of the max pooling windows

  • strides – factor by which to downscale

  • padding – one of “valid”, “same” or tuple with integers specifies the padding value of column and row, defaults to “valid”

  • name – name of the output layer


MaxPool2D layer


padding='valid' is the same as no padding.

padding='same' pads the input so the output has the shape as the input.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import MaxPool2D
test_mp = MaxPool2D((2,2),(2,2),"valid")
x= XTensor(np.array([0, 1, 0, 4, 5,
                            2, 3, 2, 1, 3,
                            4, 4, 0, 4, 3,
                            2, 5, 2, 6, 4,
                            1, 0, 0, 5, 7],dtype=float).reshape([1,1,5,5]),requires_grad=True)

y= test_mp.forward(x)
# [[[[3. 4.]
#    [5. 6.]]]]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Embedding(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, weight_initializer=<function xavier_normal>, dtype=None, name: str = '')

This module is often used to store word embeddings and retrieve them using indices. The input to the module is a list of indices, and the output is the corresponding word embeddings.

  • num_embeddingsint - size of the dictionary of embeddings.

  • embedding_dimint - the size of each embedding vector.

  • weight_initializercallable - defaults to normal.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer.


a Embedding class


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Embedding
import pyvqnet
vlayer = Embedding(30,3)
x = XTensor(np.arange(1,25).reshape([2,3,2,2]),dtype= pyvqnet.kint64)
y = vlayer(x)

# [
# [[[[-0.3168081, 0.0329394, -0.2934906],
#  [0.1057295, -0.2844988, -0.1687456]],
# [[-0.2382513, -0.3642318, -0.2257225],
#  [0.1563180, 0.1567665, 0.3038477]]],
# [[[-0.4131152, -0.0564500, -0.2804018],
#  [-0.2955172, -0.0009581, -0.1641144]],
# [[0.0692555, 0.1094901, 0.4099118],
#  [0.4348361, 0.0304361, -0.0061203]]],
# [[[-0.3310401, -0.1836129, 0.1098949],
#  [-0.1840732, 0.0332474, -0.0261806]],
# [[-0.1489778, 0.2519453, 0.3299376],
#  [-0.1942692, -0.1540277, -0.2335350]]]],
# [[[[-0.2620637, -0.3181309, -0.1857461],
#  [-0.0878164, -0.4180320, -0.1831555]],
# [[-0.0738970, -0.1888980, -0.3034399],
#  [0.1955448, -0.0409723, 0.3023460]]],
# [[[0.2430045, 0.0880465, 0.4309453],
#  [-0.1796514, -0.1432367, -0.1253638]],
# [[-0.5266719, 0.2386262, -0.0329155],
#  [0.1033449, -0.3442690, -0.0471130]]],
# [[[-0.5336705, -0.1939755, -0.3000667],
#  [0.0059001, 0.5567381, 0.1926173]],
# [[-0.2385869, -0.3910453, 0.2521235],
#  [-0.0246447, -0.0241158, -0.1402829]]]]
# ]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.BatchNorm2d(channel_num: int, momentum: float = 0.1, epsilon: float = 1e-05, beta_initializer=zeros, gamma_initializer=ones, dtype=None, name='')
Apply batch normalization on 4D input (B, C, H, W). Refer to the paper

Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift .

\[y = \frac{x - \mathrm{E}[x]}{\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[x] + \epsilon}} * \gamma + \beta\]

where \(\gamma\) and \(\beta\) are the parameters to be trained. During training, the layer will continue to run to estimate its calculated mean and variance, which are then used for normalization during evaluation. The average variance The mean maintains the default momentum of 0.1.


When using with autograd.tape(), BatchNorm2d enters train mode and uses local_mean, local_variance, gamma, and beta for batch normalization.

When the above code is not used, BatchNorm2d uses eval mode and uses cached global_mean, global_variance, gamma, and beta for batch normalization.

  • channel_numint - Input channel number.

  • momentumfloat - Momentum when calculating exponential weighted average, default is 0.1.

  • beta_initializercallable - beta initialization method, default is all-zero initialization.

  • gamma_initializercallable - the initialization method of gamma, the default is all-one initialization.

  • epsilonfloat - numerical stability parameter, default 1e-5.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type: kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – Batch normalization layer name, default is “”.


2D batch normalization layer instance.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import BatchNorm2d,autograd

b = 2
ic = 2
test_conv = BatchNorm2d(ic)

x = XTensor(np.arange(1, 17).reshape([b, ic, 4, 1]))
x.requires_grad = True
with autograd.tape():
    y = test_conv.forward(x)

# [
# [[[-1.3242440],
#  [-1.0834724],
#  [-0.8427007],
#  [-0.6019291]],
# [[-1.3242440],
#  [-1.0834724],
#  [-0.8427007],
#  [-0.6019291]]],
# [[[0.6019291],
#  [0.8427007],
#  [1.0834724],
#  [1.3242440]],
# [[0.6019291],
#  [0.8427007],
#  [1.0834724],
#  [1.3242440]]]
# ]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.BatchNorm1d(channel_num: int, momentum: float = 0.1, epsilon: float = 1e-05, beta_initializer=zeros, gamma_initializer=ones, dtype=None, name='')
Apply batch normalization on 2D input (B, C) or 3D input (B, C, H). Refer to the paper

Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift .

\[y = \frac{x - \mathrm{E}[x]}{\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[x] + \epsilon}} * \gamma + \beta\]

where \(\gamma\) and \(\beta\) are the parameters to be trained. During training, the layer will continue to run to estimate its calculated mean and variance, which are then used for normalization during evaluation. The average variance The mean maintains the default momentum of 0.1.


When using with autograd.tape(), BatchNorm2d enters train mode and uses local_mean, local_variance, gamma, and beta for batch normalization.

When the above code is not used, BatchNorm2d uses eval mode and uses cached global_mean, global_variance, gamma, and beta for batch normalization.

  • channel_numint - Input channel number.

  • momentumfloat - Momentum when calculating exponential weighted average, default is 0.1.

  • beta_initializercallable - beta initialization method, default is all-zero initialization.

  • gamma_initializercallable - the initialization method of gamma, the default is all-one initialization.

  • epsilonfloat - numerical stability parameter, default 1e-5.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type: kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – Batch normalization layer name, default is “”.


1D batch normalization layer instance.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import BatchNorm1d,autograd

test_conv = BatchNorm1d(4)

x = XTensor(np.arange(1, 17).reshape([4, 4]))
with autograd.tape():
    y = test_conv.forward(x)

# [
# [-1.3416405, -1.3416405, -1.3416405, -1.3416405],
# [-0.4472135, -0.4472135, -0.4472135, -0.4472135],
# [0.4472135, 0.4472135, 0.4472135, 0.4472135],
# [1.3416405, 1.3416405, 1.3416405, 1.3416405]
# ]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.LayerNormNd(normalized_shape: list, epsilon: float = 1e-05, affine: bool = True, dtype=None, name='')

Layer normalization is performed on the last several dimensions of any input. The specific method is as described in the paper: Layer Normalization

\[y = \frac{x - \mathrm{E}[x]}{ \sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[x] + \epsilon}} * \gamma + \beta\]

For inputs like (B,C,H,W,D), norm_shape can be [C,H,W,D],[H,W,D],[W,D] or [D] .

  • norm_shapefloat - standardize the shape.

  • epsilonfloat - numerical stability constant, defaults to 1e-5.

  • affinebool - whether to use the applied affine transformation, the default is True.

  • name – name of the output layer.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.


a LayerNormNd class.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import LayerNormNd
ic = 4
test_conv = LayerNormNd([2,2])
x = XTensor(np.arange(1,17).reshape([2,2,2,2]))
y = test_conv.forward(x)
# [
# [[[-1.3416355, -0.4472118],
#  [0.4472118, 1.3416355]],
# [[-1.3416355, -0.4472118],
#  [0.4472118, 1.3416355]]],
# [[[-1.3416355, -0.4472118],
#  [0.4472118, 1.3416355]],
# [[-1.3416355, -0.4472118],
#  [0.4472118, 1.3416355]]]
# ]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.LayerNorm2d(norm_size: int, epsilon: float = 1e-05, affine: bool = True, dtype=None, name='')

Applies Layer Normalization over a mini-batch of 4D inputs as described in the paper Layer Normalization

\[y = \frac{x - \mathrm{E}[x]}{ \sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[x] + \epsilon}} * \gamma + \beta\]

The mean and standard-deviation are calculated over the last D dimensions size.

For input like (B,C,H,W), norm_size should equals to C * H * W.

  • norm_sizefloat - normalize size,equals to C * H * W

  • epsilonfloat - numerical stability constant, defaults to 1e-5

  • affinebool - whether to use the applied affine transformation, the default is True

  • name – name of the output layer

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.


a LayerNorm2d class


import numpy as np
import pyvqnet
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import LayerNorm2d
ic = 4
test_conv = LayerNorm2d(8)
x = XTensor(np.arange(1,17).reshape([2,2,4,1]))
y = test_conv.forward(x)

# [
# [[[-1.5275238],
#  [-1.0910884],
#  [-0.6546531],
#  [-0.2182177]],
# [[0.2182177],
#  [0.6546531],
#  [1.0910884],
#  [1.5275238]]],
# [[[-1.5275238],
#  [-1.0910884],
#  [-0.6546531],
#  [-0.2182177]],
# [[0.2182177],
#  [0.6546531],
#  [1.0910884],
#  [1.5275238]]]
# ]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.LayerNorm1d(norm_size: int, epsilon: float = 1e-05, affine: bool = True, dtype=None, name='')

Applies Layer Normalization over a mini-batch of 2D inputs as described in the paper Layer Normalization

\[y = \frac{x - \mathrm{E}[x]}{ \sqrt{\mathrm{Var}[x] + \epsilon}} * \gamma + \beta\]

The mean and standard-deviation are calculated over the last dimensions size, where norm_size is the value of last dim size.

  • norm_sizefloat - normalize size,equals to last dim

  • epsilonfloat - numerical stability constant, defaults to 1e-5

  • affinebool - whether to use the applied affine transformation, the default is True

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer


a LayerNorm1d class


import numpy as np
import pyvqnet
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import LayerNorm1d
test_conv = LayerNorm1d(4)
x = XTensor(np.arange(1,17).reshape([4,4]))
y = test_conv.forward(x)

# [
# [-1.3416355, -0.4472118, 0.4472118, 1.3416355],
# [-1.3416355, -0.4472118, 0.4472118, 1.3416355],
# [-1.3416355, -0.4472118, 0.4472118, 1.3416355],
# [-1.3416355, -0.4472118, 0.4472118, 1.3416355]
# ]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Linear(input_channels, output_channels, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer=None, use_bias=True, dtype=None, name: str = '')

Linear module (fully-connected layer). \(y = Ax + b\)

  • input_channelsint - number of inputs features

  • output_channelsint - number of output features

  • weight_initializercallable - defaults to normal

  • bias_initializercallable - defaults to zeros

  • use_biasbool - defaults to True

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer


a Linear class


import numpy as np
import pyvqnet
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Linear
c1 =2
c2 = 3
cin = 7
cout = 5
n = Linear(cin,cout)
input = XTensor(np.arange(1,c1*c2*cin+1).reshape((c1,c2,cin)),dtype=pyvqnet.kfloat32)
y = n.forward(input)

# [
# [[4.3084583, -1.9228780, -0.3428757, 1.2840536, -0.5865945],
#  [9.8339605, -5.5135884, -3.1228657, 4.3025794, -4.1492314],
#  [15.3594627, -9.1042995, -5.9028554, 7.3211040, -7.7118683]],
# [[20.8849659, -12.6950111, -8.6828451, 10.3396301, -11.2745066],
#  [26.4104652, -16.2857227, -11.4628344, 13.3581581, -14.8371439],
#  [31.9359703, -19.8764324, -14.2428246, 16.3766804, -18.3997803]]
# ]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Dropout(dropout_rate=0.5)

Dropout module. The dropout module randomly sets the output of some units to zero while upgrading other units based on the given dropout_rate probability.


When using with autograd.tape(), Dropout enters train mode and randomly sets the output of some units to zero.

When the above code is not used, Dropout enters train mode and uses eval mode to output as is.

  • dropout_ratefloat - The probability that the neuron is set to zero.

  • name – The name of this module, default is “”.


Dropout instance.


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Dropout
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
b = 2
ic = 2
x = XTensor(np.arange(-1 * ic * 2 * 2,
                    (b - 1) * ic * 2 * 2).reshape([b, ic, 2, 2]))

droplayer = Dropout(0.5)

y = droplayer(x)
[[[[-0. -0.]
[-0. -0.]]

[[-0. -0.]
[-0. -0.]]]

[[[ 0.  0.]
[ 0.  6.]]

[[ 8. 10.]
[ 0. 14.]]]]
<XTensor 2x2x2x2 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Pixel_Shuffle(upscale_factors)

Rearrange tensors of shape: (, C * r^2, H, W) to a tensor of shape (, C, H * r, W * r) where r is the scaling factor.


upscale_factors – factor to increase the scale transformation


Pixel_Shuffle result


from pyvqnet.xtensor import Pixel_Shuffle
from pyvqnet.xtensor import ones
ps = Pixel_Shuffle(3)
inx = ones([5,2,3,18,4,4])
inx.requires_grad=  True
y = ps(inx)
#[5, 2, 3, 2, 12, 12]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Pixel_Unshuffle(downscale_factors)

Reverses the Pixel_Shuffle operation by rearranging the elements. Shuffles a Tensor of shape (, C, H * r, W * r) to (, C * r^2, H, W) , where r is the shrink factor.


downscale_factors – factor to increase the scale transformation


Pixel_Unshuffle result


from pyvqnet.xtensor import Pixel_Unshuffle
from pyvqnet.xtensor import ones
ps = Pixel_Unshuffle(3)
inx = ones([5, 2, 3, 2, 12, 12])
inx.requires_grad = True
y = ps(inx)
#[5, 2, 3, 18, 4, 4]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.GRU(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, nonlinearity='tanh', batch_first=True, use_bias=True, bidirectional=False, dtype=None, name: str = '')

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) module. Support multi-layer stacking, bidirectional configuration. The calculation formula of the single-layer one-way GRU is as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} r_t = \sigma(W_{ir} x_t + b_{ir} + W_{hr} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hr}) \\ z_t = \sigma(W_{iz} x_t + b_{iz} + W_{hz} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hz}) \\ n_t = \tanh(W_{in} x_t + b_{in} + r_t * (W_{hn} h_{(t-1)}+ b_{hn})) \\ h_t = (1 - z_t) * n_t + z_t * h_{(t-1)} \end{array}\end{split}\]
  • input_size – Input feature dimensions.

  • hidden_size – Hidden feature dimensions.

  • num_layers – Stack layer numbers. default: 1.

  • batch_first – If batch_first is True, input shape should be [batch_size,seq_len,feature_dim], if batch_first is False, the input shape should be [seq_len,batch_size,feature_dim],default: True.

  • use_bias – If use_bias is False, this module will not contain bias. default: True.

  • bidirectional – If bidirectional is True, the module will be bidirectional GRU. default: False.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer


A GRU module instance.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import GRU
import pyvqnet.xtensor as tensor

rnn2 = GRU(4, 6, 2, batch_first=False, bidirectional=True)

input = tensor.ones([5, 3, 4])
h0 = tensor.ones([4, 3, 6])

output, hn = rnn2(input, h0)
# [[[-0.3525755 -0.2587337  0.149786   0.461374   0.1449795  0.4734624
#    -0.0581852 -0.3912893 -0.2553828  0.5960887  0.6639917  0.2783016]
#   [-0.3525755 -0.2587337  0.149786   0.461374   0.1449795  0.4734624
#    -0.0581852 -0.3912893 -0.2553828  0.5960887  0.6639917  0.2783016]
#   [-0.3525755 -0.2587337  0.149786   0.461374   0.1449796  0.4734623
#    -0.0581852 -0.3912893 -0.2553828  0.5960887  0.6639917  0.2783016]]

#  [[-0.5718066 -0.2159877 -0.2978141  0.1441837 -0.0761072  0.3096682
#     0.0115526 -0.2295886 -0.1917011  0.5739203  0.5765471  0.3173765]
#   [-0.5718066 -0.2159877 -0.2978141  0.1441837 -0.0761072  0.3096682
#     0.0115526 -0.2295886 -0.1917011  0.5739203  0.5765471  0.3173765]
#   [-0.5718066 -0.2159877 -0.2978141  0.1441837 -0.0761071  0.3096681
#     0.0115526 -0.2295886 -0.1917011  0.5739203  0.5765471  0.3173765]]

#  [[-0.5341613 -0.0807438 -0.2697436 -0.0872668 -0.2630565  0.2262028
#     0.1108652 -0.0301746 -0.0453528  0.5952781  0.5141098  0.3779774]
#   [-0.5341613 -0.0807438 -0.2697436 -0.0872668 -0.2630565  0.2262028
#     0.1108652 -0.0301746 -0.0453528  0.5952781  0.5141098  0.3779774]
#   [-0.5341613 -0.0807438 -0.2697436 -0.0872668 -0.2630565  0.2262028
#     0.1108652 -0.0301746 -0.0453528  0.5952781  0.5141098  0.3779774]]

#  [[-0.4394189  0.0851144 -0.0413915 -0.2225544 -0.4341614  0.1345865
#     0.241122   0.2335991  0.1918445  0.6587436  0.4840603  0.4863765]
#   [-0.4394189  0.0851144 -0.0413915 -0.2225544 -0.4341614  0.1345865
#     0.241122   0.2335991  0.1918445  0.6587436  0.4840603  0.4863765]
#   [-0.4394189  0.0851144 -0.0413915 -0.2225544 -0.4341614  0.1345865
#     0.241122   0.2335991  0.1918445  0.6587436  0.4840603  0.4863765]]

#  [[-0.335566   0.2576246  0.2983787 -0.3105901 -0.5880742 -0.0203008
#     0.4682454  0.5807121  0.5288119  0.7821091  0.5577921  0.6762444]
#   [-0.335566   0.2576246  0.2983787 -0.3105901 -0.5880742 -0.0203008
#     0.4682454  0.5807121  0.5288119  0.7821091  0.5577921  0.6762444]
#   [-0.335566   0.2576246  0.2983787 -0.3105901 -0.5880742 -0.0203008
#     0.4682454  0.5807121  0.5288119  0.7821091  0.5577921  0.6762444]]]
# <XTensor 5x3x12 cpu(0) kfloat32>

# [[[ 0.0388437 -0.0772902 -0.3355273 -0.143957   0.0520131 -0.323649 ]
#   [ 0.0388437 -0.0772902 -0.3355273 -0.143957   0.0520131 -0.323649 ]
#   [ 0.0388437 -0.0772902 -0.3355273 -0.143957   0.0520131 -0.323649 ]]

#  [[-0.4715263 -0.5740314 -0.6212391 -0.20578    0.8116962 -0.1011644]
#   [-0.4715263 -0.5740314 -0.6212391 -0.20578    0.8116962 -0.1011644]
#   [-0.4715263 -0.5740314 -0.6212391 -0.20578    0.8116962 -0.1011644]]

#  [[-0.335566   0.2576246  0.2983787 -0.3105901 -0.5880742 -0.0203008]
#   [-0.335566   0.2576246  0.2983787 -0.3105901 -0.5880742 -0.0203008]
#   [-0.335566   0.2576246  0.2983787 -0.3105901 -0.5880742 -0.0203008]]

#  [[-0.0581852 -0.3912893 -0.2553828  0.5960887  0.6639917  0.2783016]
#   [-0.0581852 -0.3912893 -0.2553828  0.5960887  0.6639917  0.2783016]
#   [-0.0581852 -0.3912893 -0.2553828  0.5960887  0.6639917  0.2783016]]]
# <XTensor 4x3x6 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.RNN(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, nonlinearity='tanh', batch_first=True, use_bias=True, bidirectional=False, dtype=None, name: str = '')

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Module, use \(\tanh\) or \(\text{ReLU}\) as activation function. bidirectional RNN and multi-layer RNN is supported. The calculation formula of single-layer unidirectional RNN is as follows:

\[h_t = \tanh(W_{ih} x_t + b_{ih} + W_{hh} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hh})\]

If nonlinearity is 'relu', then \(\text{ReLU}\) will replace \(\tanh\).

  • input_size – Input feature dimensions.

  • hidden_size – Hidden feature dimensions.

  • num_layers – Stack layer numbers. default: 1.

  • nonlinearity – non-linear activation function, default: 'tanh' .

  • batch_first – If batch_first is True, input shape should be [batch_size,seq_len,feature_dim], if batch_first is False, the input shape should be [seq_len,batch_size,feature_dim],default: True.

  • use_bias – If use_bias is False, this module will not contain bias. default: True.

  • bidirectional – If bidirectional is True, the module will be bidirectional RNN. default: False.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer


A RNN module instance.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import RNN
import pyvqnet.xtensor as tensor

rnn2 = RNN(4, 6, 2, batch_first=False, bidirectional = True)

input = tensor.ones([5, 3, 4])
h0 = tensor.ones([4, 3, 6])
output, hn = rnn2(input, h0)

# [[[ 0.2618747  0.5377525  0.5129814 -0.0242058 -0.6311338  0.655068
#    -0.7402378 -0.1209883 -0.2462614  0.1552387  0.433101  -0.3321311]
#   [ 0.2618747  0.5377525  0.5129814 -0.0242058 -0.6311338  0.655068
#    -0.7402378 -0.1209883 -0.2462614  0.1552387  0.433101  -0.3321311]
#   [ 0.2618747  0.5377525  0.5129814 -0.0242058 -0.6311338  0.655068
#    -0.7402378 -0.1209883 -0.2462614  0.1552387  0.4331009 -0.3321312]]

#  [[ 0.4478737  0.8829155 -0.0466572 -0.1412439 -0.0311011  0.3848146
#    -0.710574   0.0830743 -0.2802465 -0.0228663  0.1831353 -0.3086829]
#   [ 0.4478737  0.8829155 -0.0466572 -0.1412439 -0.0311011  0.3848146
#    -0.710574   0.0830743 -0.2802465 -0.0228663  0.1831353 -0.3086829]
#   [ 0.4478737  0.8829155 -0.0466572 -0.1412439 -0.0311011  0.3848146
#    -0.710574   0.0830743 -0.2802465 -0.0228663  0.1831353 -0.3086829]]

#  [[ 0.581092   0.8708823  0.2848003 -0.154836  -0.4118715  0.5057767
#    -0.8474038  0.0595496 -0.5158566 -0.1731871  0.3361979 -0.2265194]
#   [ 0.581092   0.8708823  0.2848003 -0.154836  -0.4118715  0.5057767
#    -0.8474038  0.0595496 -0.5158566 -0.1731871  0.3361979 -0.2265194]
#   [ 0.581092   0.8708823  0.2848004 -0.154836  -0.4118715  0.5057766
#    -0.8474038  0.0595496 -0.5158566 -0.1731871  0.3361979 -0.2265194]]

#  [[ 0.5710331  0.8946801 -0.0285869 -0.032192  -0.2297462  0.4527371
#    -0.7243505  0.2147861 -0.3519893 -0.1745383 -0.5063711 -0.7420927]
#   [ 0.5710331  0.8946801 -0.0285869 -0.032192  -0.2297462  0.4527371
#    -0.7243505  0.2147861 -0.3519893 -0.1745383 -0.5063711 -0.7420927]
#   [ 0.5710331  0.8946801 -0.0285869 -0.032192  -0.2297462  0.4527371
#    -0.7243505  0.2147861 -0.3519893 -0.1745383 -0.5063711 -0.7420927]]

#  [[ 0.6136605  0.8351185 -0.0997602 -0.4209205  0.0391619  0.6528097
#    -0.4387358 -0.9216538 -0.3471112 -0.9059284  0.9011658 -0.6876704]
#   [ 0.6136605  0.8351185 -0.0997602 -0.4209205  0.0391619  0.6528097
#    -0.4387358 -0.9216538 -0.3471112 -0.9059284  0.9011658 -0.6876704]
#   [ 0.6136605  0.8351185 -0.0997602 -0.4209205  0.0391619  0.6528097
#    -0.4387358 -0.9216538 -0.3471112 -0.9059284  0.9011658 -0.6876704]]]
# <XTensor 5x3x12 cpu(0) kfloat32>

# [[[-0.1595494 -0.4154228  0.6991262  0.634046   0.6960769 -0.4966849]
#   [-0.1595494 -0.4154228  0.6991262  0.634046   0.6960769 -0.4966849]
#   [-0.1595494 -0.4154228  0.6991262  0.634046   0.6960769 -0.4966849]]

#  [[ 0.2330922 -0.7264591 -0.7571693  0.3780781  0.4115383  0.7572027]
#   [ 0.2330922 -0.7264591 -0.7571693  0.3780781  0.4115383  0.7572027]
#   [ 0.2330922 -0.7264591 -0.7571693  0.3780781  0.4115383  0.7572027]]

#  [[ 0.6136605  0.8351185 -0.0997602 -0.4209205  0.0391619  0.6528097]
#   [ 0.6136605  0.8351185 -0.0997602 -0.4209205  0.0391619  0.6528097]
#   [ 0.6136605  0.8351185 -0.0997602 -0.4209205  0.0391619  0.6528097]]

#  [[-0.7402378 -0.1209883 -0.2462614  0.1552387  0.433101  -0.3321311]
#   [-0.7402378 -0.1209883 -0.2462614  0.1552387  0.433101  -0.3321311]
#   [-0.7402378 -0.1209883 -0.2462614  0.1552387  0.4331009 -0.3321312]]]
# <XTensor 4x3x6 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, use_bias=True, bidirectional=False, dtype=None, name: str = '')

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) module. Support bidirectional LSTM, stacked multi-layer LSTM and other configurations. The calculation formula of single-layer unidirectional LSTM is as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \\ i_t = \sigma(W_{ii} x_t + b_{ii} + W_{hi} h_{t-1} + b_{hi}) \\ f_t = \sigma(W_{if} x_t + b_{if} + W_{hf} h_{t-1} + b_{hf}) \\ g_t = \tanh(W_{ig} x_t + b_{ig} + W_{hg} h_{t-1} + b_{hg}) \\ o_t = \sigma(W_{io} x_t + b_{io} + W_{ho} h_{t-1} + b_{ho}) \\ c_t = f_t \odot c_{t-1} + i_t \odot g_t \\ h_t = o_t \odot \tanh(c_t) \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]
  • input_size – Input feature dimensions.

  • hidden_size – Hidden feature dimensions.

  • num_layers – Stack layer numbers. default: 1.

  • batch_first – If batch_first is True, input shape should be [batch_size,seq_len,feature_dim], if batch_first is False, the input shape should be [seq_len,batch_size,feature_dim],default: True.

  • use_bias – If use_bias is False, this module will not contain bias. default: True.

  • bidirectional – If bidirectional is True, the module will be bidirectional LSTM. default: False.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer


A LSTM module instance.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import LSTM
import pyvqnet.xtensor as tensor

rnn2 = LSTM(4, 6, 2, batch_first=False, bidirectional = True)

input = tensor.ones([5, 3, 4])
h0 = tensor.ones([4, 3, 6])
c0 = tensor.ones([4, 3, 6])
output, (hn, cn) = rnn2(input, (h0, c0))


[[[ 0.0952653  0.2589843  0.2486762  0.1287942  0.1021227  0.1911968
-0.0414362 -0.3521166  0.2783869  0.2294379 -0.0897322 -0.0056688]
[ 0.0952653  0.2589843  0.2486762  0.1287942  0.1021227  0.1911968
-0.0414362 -0.3521166  0.2783869  0.2294379 -0.0897322 -0.0056688]
[ 0.0952653  0.2589843  0.2486762  0.1287942  0.1021227  0.1911968
-0.0414362 -0.3521166  0.2783869  0.2294379 -0.0897322 -0.0056688]]

[[ 0.085497   0.1925259  0.3265719 -0.0792181  0.0310715  0.1398373
-0.0023391 -0.3675225  0.3450475  0.2388555 -0.0579962 -0.0536785]
[ 0.085497   0.1925259  0.3265719 -0.0792181  0.0310715  0.1398373
-0.0023391 -0.3675225  0.3450475  0.2388555 -0.0579962 -0.0536785]
[ 0.085497   0.1925259  0.3265719 -0.0792181  0.0310715  0.1398373
-0.0023391 -0.3675225  0.3450475  0.2388555 -0.0579962 -0.0536785]]

[[ 0.0788613  0.1431215  0.3656158 -0.1339753  0.0101364  0.0694154
    0.0299196 -0.329112   0.4189231  0.2440841  0.0078633 -0.091286 ]
[ 0.0788613  0.1431215  0.3656158 -0.1339753  0.0101364  0.0694154
    0.0299196 -0.329112   0.4189231  0.2440841  0.0078633 -0.091286 ]
[ 0.0788613  0.1431215  0.3656158 -0.1339753  0.0101364  0.0694154
    0.0299196 -0.329112   0.4189231  0.2440841  0.0078633 -0.091286 ]]

[[ 0.0730032  0.1006287  0.3992919 -0.1526794 -0.0077587  0.0049352
    0.0684287 -0.2034638  0.4807869  0.2429611  0.1062173 -0.100478 ]
[ 0.0730032  0.1006287  0.3992919 -0.1526794 -0.0077587  0.0049352
    0.0684287 -0.2034638  0.4807869  0.2429611  0.1062173 -0.100478 ]
[ 0.0730032  0.1006287  0.3992919 -0.1526794 -0.0077587  0.0049352
    0.0684287 -0.2034638  0.4807869  0.2429611  0.1062173 -0.100478 ]]

[[ 0.0421946  0.0219641  0.4280343 -0.1918173 -0.0422104 -0.0659961
    0.1292751  0.0901535  0.5008832  0.1749451  0.2660664  0.0133356]
[ 0.0421946  0.0219641  0.4280343 -0.1918173 -0.0422104 -0.0659961
    0.1292751  0.0901535  0.5008832  0.1749451  0.2660664  0.0133356]
[ 0.0421946  0.0219641  0.4280343 -0.1918173 -0.0422104 -0.0659961
    0.1292751  0.0901535  0.5008832  0.1749451  0.2660664  0.0133356]]]
<XTensor 5x3x12 cpu(0) kfloat32>

[[[-0.1111576 -0.0410911 -0.1360135 -0.2142551  0.3879747 -0.4244705]
[-0.1111576 -0.0410911 -0.1360135 -0.2142551  0.3879747 -0.4244705]
[-0.1111576 -0.0410911 -0.1360135 -0.2142551  0.3879747 -0.4244705]]

[[ 0.2689943  0.3063364 -0.2738754  0.2168426 -0.4891826  0.2454725]
[ 0.2689943  0.3063364 -0.2738754  0.2168426 -0.4891826  0.2454725]
[ 0.2689943  0.3063364 -0.2738754  0.2168426 -0.4891826  0.2454725]]

[[ 0.0421946  0.0219641  0.4280343 -0.1918173 -0.0422104 -0.0659961]
[ 0.0421946  0.0219641  0.4280343 -0.1918173 -0.0422104 -0.0659961]
[ 0.0421946  0.0219641  0.4280343 -0.1918173 -0.0422104 -0.0659961]]

[[-0.0414362 -0.3521166  0.2783869  0.2294379 -0.0897322 -0.0056688]
[-0.0414362 -0.3521166  0.2783869  0.2294379 -0.0897322 -0.0056688]
[-0.0414362 -0.3521166  0.2783869  0.2294379 -0.0897322 -0.0056688]]]
<XTensor 4x3x6 cpu(0) kfloat32>

[[[-0.1973301 -0.2033432 -0.4812729 -0.3186268  0.7220416 -0.6785325]
[-0.1973301 -0.2033432 -0.4812729 -0.3186268  0.7220416 -0.6785325]
[-0.1973301 -0.2033432 -0.4812729 -0.3186268  0.7220416 -0.6785325]]

[[ 1.6790413  0.4572753 -0.4843928  0.3902704 -0.9931879  0.4607614]
[ 1.6790413  0.4572753 -0.4843928  0.3902704 -0.9931879  0.4607614]
[ 1.6790413  0.4572753 -0.4843928  0.3902704 -0.9931879  0.4607614]]

[[ 0.0753609  0.0477858  0.7334676 -0.3433677 -0.1412639 -0.1365461]
[ 0.0753609  0.0477858  0.7334676 -0.3433677 -0.1412639 -0.1365461]
[ 0.0753609  0.0477858  0.7334676 -0.3433677 -0.1412639 -0.1365461]]

[[-0.104733  -0.6896871  0.4874932  0.4806345 -0.167628  -0.0125997]
[-0.104733  -0.6896871  0.4874932  0.4806345 -0.167628  -0.0125997]
[-0.104733  -0.6896871  0.4874932  0.4806345 -0.167628  -0.0125997]]]
<XTensor 4x3x6 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Dynamic_GRU(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, use_bias=True, bidirectional=False, dtype=None, name: str = '')

Apply a multilayer gated recurrent unit (GRU) RNN to a dynamic-length input sequence.

The first input should be a variable-length batch sequence input defined Through the xtensor.PackedSequence class. The xtensor.PackedSequence class can be constructed as Call the next function in succession: pad_sequence, pack_pad_sequence.

The first output of Dynamic_GRU is also a xtensor.PackedSequence class, It can be unpacked into a normal XTensor using xtensor.pad_pack_sequence.

For each element in the input sequence, each layer computes the following formula:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} r_t = \sigma(W_{ir} x_t + b_{ir} + W_{hr} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hr}) \\ z_t = \sigma(W_{iz} x_t + b_{iz} + W_{hz} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hz}) \\ n_t = \tanh(W_{in} x_t + b_{in} + r_t * (W_{hn} h_{(t-1)}+ b_{hn})) \\ h_t = (1 - z_t) * n_t + z_t * h_{(t-1)} \end{array}\end{split}\]
  • input_size – Input feature dimension.

  • hidden_size – Hidden feature dimension.

  • num_layers – Number of loop layers. Default: 1

  • batch_first – If True, the input shape is provided as [batch size, sequence length, feature dimension]. If False, input shape is provided as [sequence length, batch size, feature dimension], default True.

  • use_bias – If False, the layer does not use bias weights b_ih and b_hh. Default: true.

  • bidirectional – If true, becomes a bidirectional GRU. Default: false.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer


A Dynamic_GRU class


from pyvqnet.xtensor import Dynamic_GRU
import pyvqnet.xtensor as tensor
seq_len = [4,1,2]
input_size = 4
batch_size =3
hidden_size = 2
ml = 2
rnn2 = Dynamic_GRU(input_size,

a = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[0] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[0], input_size])
b = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[1] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[1], input_size])
c = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[2] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[2], input_size])

y = tensor.pad_sequence([a, b, c], False)

input = tensor.pack_pad_sequence(y,

h0 = tensor.ones([ml * 2, batch_size, hidden_size])

output, hn = rnn2(input, h0)

seq_unpacked, lens_unpacked = \
tensor.pad_packed_sequence(output, batch_first=False)

# [[[ 0.872566   0.8611314 -0.5047759  0.9130142]
#   [ 0.5690175  0.9443005 -0.3432685  0.9585502]
#   [ 0.8512535  0.8650243 -0.487494   0.9192616]]

#  [[ 0.7886224  0.7501922 -0.4578349  0.919861 ]
#   [ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]
#   [ 0.712998   0.749097  -0.2539869  0.9405512]]

#  [[ 0.7242796  0.6568378 -0.4209562  0.9258339]
#   [ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]
#   [ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]]

#  [[ 0.6601164  0.5651093 -0.2040557  0.9421862]
#   [ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]
#   [ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]]]
# <XTensor 4x3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>
# [4 1 2]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Dynamic_RNN(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, nonlinearity='tanh', batch_first=True, use_bias=True, bidirectional=False, dtype=None, name: str = '')

Applies recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to dynamic-length input sequences.

The first input should be a variable-length batch sequence input defined Through the xtensor.PackedSequence class. The xtensor.PackedSequence class can be constructed as Call the next function in succession: pad_sequence, pack_pad_sequence.

The first output of Dynamic_RNN is also a xtensor.PackedSequence class, It can be unpacked into a normal XTensor using xtensor.pad_pack_sequence.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) module, using \(\tanh\) or \(\text{ReLU}\) as activation function. Support two-way, multi-layer configuration. The calculation formula of single-layer one-way RNN is as follows:

\[h_t = \tanh(W_{ih} x_t + b_{ih} + W_{hh} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hh})\]

If nonlinearity is 'relu', then \(\text{ReLU}\) will replace \(\tanh\).

  • input_size – Input feature dimension.

  • hidden_size – Hidden feature dimension.

  • num_layers – Number of stacked RNN layers, default: 1.

  • nonlinearity – Non-linear activation function, default is 'tanh'.

  • batch_first – If True, the input shape is [batch size, sequence length, feature dimension], If False, the input shape is [sequence length, batch size, feature dimension], default True.

  • use_bias – If False, the module does not apply bias items, default: True.

  • bidirectional – If True, it becomes bidirectional RNN, default: False.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer


Dynamic_RNN instance


from pyvqnet.xtensor import Dynamic_RNN
import pyvqnet.xtensor as tensor
seq_len = [4,1,2]
input_size = 4
batch_size =3
hidden_size = 2
ml = 2
rnn2 = Dynamic_RNN(input_size,

a = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[0] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[0], input_size])
b = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[1] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[1], input_size])
c = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[2] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[2], input_size])

y = tensor.pad_sequence([a, b, c], False)

input = tensor.pack_pad_sequence(y,

h0 = tensor.ones([ml * 2, batch_size, hidden_size])

output, hn = rnn2(input, h0)

seq_unpacked, lens_unpacked = \
tensor.pad_packed_sequence(output, batch_first=False)

[[[ 2.283666   2.1524734  0.         0.8799834]
[ 2.9422705  2.6565394  0.         0.8055274]
[ 2.9554236  2.1205678  0.         1.1741859]]

[[ 6.396565   3.8327866  0.         2.6239884]
[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]
[ 7.37332    4.7455616  0.         2.6786256]]

[[12.521921   5.239943   0.         4.62357  ]
[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]
[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]]

[[19.627499   8.675274   0.         6.6746845]
[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]
[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]]]
<XTensor 4x3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>
[4 1 2]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.Dynamic_LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, use_bias=True, bidirectional=False, dtype=None, name: str = '')

Apply Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) RNNs to dynamic-length input sequences.

The first input should be a variable-length batch sequence input defined Through the xtensor.PackedSequence class. The xtensor.PackedSequence class can be constructed as Call the next function in succession: pad_sequence, pack_pad_sequence.

The first output of Dynamic_LSTM is also a xtensor.PackedSequence class, It can be unpacked into a normal XTensor using xtensor.pad_pack_sequence.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) module, using \(\tanh\) or \(\text{ReLU}\) as activation function. Support two-way, multi-layer configuration. The calculation formula of single-layer one-way RNN is as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \\ i_t = \sigma(W_{ii} x_t + b_{ii} + W_{hi} h_{t-1} + b_{hi}) \\ f_t = \sigma(W_{if} x_t + b_{if} + W_{hf} h_{t-1} + b_{hf}) \\ g_t = \tanh(W_{ig} x_t + b_{ig} + W_{hg} h_{t-1} + b_{hg}) \\ o_t = \sigma(W_{io} x_t + b_{io} + W_{ho} h_{t-1} + b_{ho}) \\ c_t = f_t \odot c_{t-1} + i_t \odot g_t \\ h_t = o_t \odot \tanh(c_t) \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]
  • input_size – Input feature dimension.

  • hidden_size – Hidden feature dimension.

  • num_layers – Number of stacked LSTM layers, default: 1.

  • batch_first – If True, the input shape is [batch size, sequence length, feature dimension], If False, the input shape is [sequence length, batch size, feature dimension], default True.

  • use_bias – If False, the module does not apply bias items, default: True.

  • bidirectional – If True, it becomes a bidirectional LSTM, default: False.

  • dtype – The data type of the parameter, defaults: None, use the default data type kfloat32, which represents a 32-bit floating point number.

  • name – name of the output layer


Dynamic_LSTM instance


from pyvqnet.xtensor import Dynamic_LSTM
import pyvqnet.xtensor as tensor

input_size = 2
hidden_size = 2
ml = 2
seq_len = [3, 4, 1]
batch_size = 3
rnn2 = Dynamic_LSTM(input_size,

a = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[0] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[0], input_size])
b = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[1] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[1], input_size])
c = tensor.arange(1, seq_len[2] * input_size + 1).reshape(
    [seq_len[2], input_size])
a.requires_grad = True
b.requires_grad = True
c.requires_grad = True
y = tensor.pad_sequence([a, b, c], False)

input = tensor.pack_pad_sequence(y,

h0 = tensor.ones([ml * 2, batch_size, hidden_size])
c0 = tensor.ones([ml * 2, batch_size, hidden_size])

output, (hn, cn) = rnn2(input, (h0, c0))

seq_unpacked, lens_unpacked = \
tensor.pad_packed_sequence(output, batch_first=False)

[[[ 0.1970974  0.2246606  0.2627596 -0.080385 ]
[ 0.2071671  0.2119733  0.2301395 -0.2693036]
[ 0.1106544  0.3478935  0.4335948  0.378578 ]]

[[ 0.1176731 -0.0304668  0.2993484  0.0920533]
[ 0.1386266 -0.0483974  0.2384422 -0.1798031]
[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]]

[[ 0.0798466 -0.1468595  0.4139522  0.3376699]
[ 0.1303781 -0.1537685  0.2934605  0.0475375]
[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]]

[[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]
[ 0.0958745 -0.2243107  0.4114271  0.3248508]
[ 0.         0.         0.         0.       ]]]
<XTensor 4x3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>
[3 4 1]

Loss Function Layer


Please note that unlike pytorch and other frameworks, in the forward function of the following loss function, the first parameter is the label, and the second parameter is the predicted value.


class pyvqnet.xtensor.MeanSquaredError(name='')

Creates a criterion that measures the mean squared error (squared L2 norm) between each element in the input \(x\) and target \(y\).

The unreduced loss can be described as:

\[\ell(x, y) = L = \{l_1,\dots,l_N\}^\top, \quad l_n = \left( x_n - y_n \right)^2,\]

where \(N\) is the batch size. , then:

\[\ell(x, y) = \operatorname{mean}(L)\]

\(x\) and \(y\) are QTensors of arbitrary shapes with a total of \(n\) elements each.

The mean operation still operates over all the elements, and divides by \(n\).


name – name of the output layer


a MeanSquaredError class

Parameters for loss forward function:

x: \((N, *)\) where \(*\) means, any number of additional dimensions

y: \((N, *)\), same shape as the input


from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor, kfloat64
from pyvqnet.xtensor import MeanSquaredError
y = XTensor([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
x = XTensor([[0.1, 0.05, 0.7, 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0]],


loss_result = MeanSquaredError()
result = loss_result(y, x)
# [0.0115000]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.BinaryCrossEntropy(name='')

Measures the Binary Cross Entropy between the target and the output:

The unreduced loss can be described as:

\[\ell(x, y) = L = \{l_1,\dots,l_N\}^\top, \quad l_n = - w_n \left[ y_n \cdot \log x_n + (1 - y_n) \cdot \log (1 - x_n) \right],\]

where \(N\) is the batch size.

\[\ell(x, y) = \operatorname{mean}(L)\]

a BinaryCrossEntropy class

Parameters for loss forward function:

x: \((N, *)\) where \(*\) means, any number of additional dimensions

y: \((N, *)\), same shape as the input


from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
from pyvqnet.xtensor import BinaryCrossEntropy
x = XTensor([[0.3, 0.7, 0.2], [0.2, 0.3, 0.1]] )
y = XTensor([[0.0, 1.0, 0], [0.0, 0, 1]] )

loss_result = BinaryCrossEntropy()
result = loss_result(y, x)
# [0.6364825]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.CategoricalCrossEntropy(name='')

This criterion combines LogSoftmax and NLLLoss in one single class.

The loss can be described as below, where class is index of target’s class:

\[\text{loss}(x, class) = -\log\left(\frac{\exp(x[class])}{\sum_j \exp(x[j])}\right) = -x[class] + \log\left(\sum_j \exp(x[j])\right)\]

a CategoricalCrossEntropy class

Parameters for loss forward function:

x: \((N, *)\) where \(*\) means, any number of additional dimensions

y: \((N, *)\), same shape as the input, should have data type of the 64-bit integer.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor,kfloat32,kint64
from pyvqnet.xtensor import CategoricalCrossEntropy
x = XTensor([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], dtype=kfloat32)
y = XTensor([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
loss_result = CategoricalCrossEntropy()
result = loss_result(y, x)
# [3.7852428]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.SoftmaxCrossEntropy(name='')

This criterion combines LogSoftmax and NLLLoss in one single class with more numeral stablity.

The loss can be described as below, where class is index of target’s class:

\[\text{loss}(x, class) = -\log\left(\frac{\exp(x[class])}{\sum_j \exp(x[j])}\right) = -x[class] + \log\left(\sum_j \exp(x[j])\right)\]

a SoftmaxCrossEntropy class

Parameters for loss forward function:

x: \((N, *)\) where \(*\) means, any number of additional dimensions

y: \((N, *)\), same shape as the input, should have data type of the 64-bit integer.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor, kfloat32, kint64
from pyvqnet.xtensor import SoftmaxCrossEntropy
x = XTensor([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
y = XTensor([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
loss_result = SoftmaxCrossEntropy()
result = loss_result(y, x)

# [3.7852478]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.NLL_Loss(name='')

The average negative log likelihood loss. It is useful to train a classification problem with C classes

The x given through a forward call is expected to contain log-probabilities of each class. x has to be a Tensor of size either \((N, C)\) or \((N, C, d_1, d_2, ..., d_K)\) with \(K \geq 1\) for the K-dimensional case. The y that this loss expects should be a class index in the range \([0, C-1]\) where C = number of classes.

\[\ell(x, y) = L = \{l_1,\dots,l_N\}^\top, \quad l_n = - \sum_{n=1}^N \frac{1}{N}x_{n,y_n}, \quad\]

a NLL_Loss class

Parameters for loss forward function:

x: \((N, *)\), the output of the loss function, which can be a multidimensional variable.

y: \((N, *)\), the true value expected by the loss function, should have data type of the 64-bit integer.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor, kint64
from pyvqnet.xtensor import NLL_Loss

x = XTensor([
    0.9476322568516703, 0.226547421131723, 0.5944201443911326,
    0.42830868492969476, 0.76414068655387, 0.00286059168094277,
    0.3574236812873617, 0.9096948856639084, 0.4560809854582528,
    0.9818027091583286, 0.8673569904602182, 0.9860275114020933,
    0.9232667066664217, 0.303693313961628, 0.8461034903175555
]).reshape([1, 3, 1, 5])

x.requires_grad = True
y = XTensor([[[2, 1, 0, 0, 2]]])

loss_result = NLL_Loss()
result = loss_result(y, x)


class pyvqnet.xtensor.CrossEntropyLoss(name='')

This criterion combines LogSoftmax and NLLLoss in one single class.

x is expected to contain raw, unnormalized scores for each class. x has to be a Tensor of size \((C)\) for unbatched input, \((N, C)\) or \((N, C, d_1, d_2, ..., d_K)\) with \(K \geq 1\) for the K-dimensional case.

The loss can be described as below, where class is index of target’s class:

\[\text{loss}(x, class) = -\log\left(\frac{\exp(x[class])}{\sum_j \exp(x[j])}\right) = -x[class] + \log\left(\sum_j \exp(x[j])\right)\]

a CrossEntropyLoss class

Parameters for loss forward function:

x: \((N, *)\), the output of the loss function, which can be a multidimensional variable.

y: \((N, *)\), the true value expected by the loss function, should have data type of the 64-bit integer.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor, kfloat32
from pyvqnet.xtensor import CrossEntropyLoss
x = XTensor([
    0.9476322568516703, 0.226547421131723, 0.5944201443911326,
    0.42830868492969476, 0.76414068655387, 0.00286059168094277,
    0.3574236812873617, 0.9096948856639084, 0.4560809854582528,
    0.9818027091583286, 0.8673569904602182, 0.9860275114020933,
    0.9232667066664217, 0.303693313961628, 0.8461034903175555
]).reshape([1, 3, 1, 5])

x.requires_grad = True
y = XTensor([[[2, 1, 0, 0, 2]]], dtype=kfloat32)

loss_result = CrossEntropyLoss()
result = loss_result(y, x)


Activation Function



Applies a sigmoid activation function to the given input.

\[\text{Sigmoid}(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-x)}\]

x – input.


sigmoid activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import sigmoid
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

y = sigmoid(XTensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))

# [0.7310586, 0.8807970, 0.9525741, 0.9820138]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.softplus(x)

Applies a softplus activation function to the given input.

\[\text{Softplus}(x) = \log(1 + \exp(x))\]

x – input.


softplus activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import softplus
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
y = softplus(XTensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))

# [1.3132616, 2.1269281, 3.0485873, 4.0181499]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.softsign(x)

Applies a softsign activation function to the given input.

\[\text{SoftSign}(x) = \frac{x}{ 1 + |x|}\]
  • x – 输入.

  • x – input.


softsign activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import softsign
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
y = softsign(XTensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))

# [0.5000000, 0.6666667, 0.7500000, 0.8000000]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.softmax(x, axis: int = -1)

Applies a softmax activation function to the given input.

\[\text{Softmax}(x_{i}) = \frac{\exp(x_i)}{\sum_j \exp(x_j)}\]
  • x – input.

  • axis – Calculated dimensions (-1 for last axis), default = -1.


Softmax activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import softmax
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

y = softmax(XTensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))

# [0.0320586, 0.0871443, 0.2368828, 0.6439142]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.hard_sigmoid(x)

Applies a hardsigmoid activation function to the given input.

\[\begin{split}\text{Hardsigmoid}(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{ if } x \le -3, \\ 1 & \text{ if } x \ge +3, \\ x / 6 + 1 / 2 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

x – input.


hardsigmoid activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import hard_sigmoid
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

y = hard_sigmoid(XTensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))

# [0.6666667, 0.8333334, 1., 1.]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.relu(x)

Applies a relu activation function to the given input.

\[\begin{split}\text{ReLu}(x) = \begin{cases} x, & \text{ if } x > 0\\ 0, & \text{ if } x \leq 0 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

x – input.


hardsigmoid activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import relu
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

y = relu(XTensor([-1, 2.0, -3, 4.0]))

# [0., 2., 0., 4.]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.leaky_relu(x, alpha: float = 0.01)

Applies a leakyrelu function to the given input.

\[\begin{split}\text{LeakyRelu}(x) = \begin{cases} x, & \text{ if } x \geq 0 \\ \alpha * x, & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases}\end{split}\]
  • x – input.

  • alpha – LeakyRelu coefficient, default: 0.01.


LeakyReLu activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import leaky_relu
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
y = leaky_relu(XTensor([-1, 2.0, -3, 4.0]))

# [-0.0100000, 2., -0.0300000, 4.]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.elu(x, alpha: float = 1)

Applies an elu function to the given input.

\[\begin{split}\text{ELU}(x) = \begin{cases} x, & \text{ if } x > 0\\ \alpha * (\exp(x) - 1), & \text{ if } x \leq 0 \end{cases}\end{split}\]
  • x – input.

  • alpha – elu coefficient, default: 0.01.


elu activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import elu
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

y = elu(XTensor([-1, 2.0, -3, 4.0]))

# [-0.6321205, 2., -0.9502130, 4.]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.tanh(x)

Applies an tanh function to the given input.

\[\text{Tanh}(x) = \frac{\exp(x) - \exp(-x)} {\exp(x) + \exp(-x)}\]

x – input.


tanh activation result.


from pyvqnet.xtensor import tanh
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor
y = tanh(XTensor([-1, 2.0, -3, 4.0]))

# [-0.7615942, 0.9640276, -0.9950548, 0.9993293]

Optimizer module


class pyvqnet.xtensor.optimizer.Optimizer(params, lr=0.01)

Base class for all optimizers.

  • params – List of model parameters that need to be optimized.

  • lr – Learning rate, default value: 0.01.



Use the update method of the corresponding optimizer to update parameters.


class pyvqnet.xtensor.optimizer.Adadelta(params, lr=0.01, beta=0.99, epsilon=1e-08)

ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method. reference: (https://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5701)

\[\begin{split}E(g_t^2) &= \beta * E(g_{t-1}^2) + (1-\beta) * g^2\\ Square\_avg &= \sqrt{ ( E(dx_{t-1}^2) + \epsilon ) / ( E(g_t^2) + \epsilon ) }\\ E(dx_t^2) &= \beta * E(dx_{t-1}^2) + (1-\beta) * (-g*square\_avg)^2 \\ param\_new &= param - lr * Square\_avg\end{split}\]
  • params – params of model which need to be optimized

  • lr – learning_rate of model (default: 0.01)

  • beta – for computing a running average of squared gradients (default: 0.99)

  • epsilon – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8)


a Adadelta optimizer


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Adadelta,Linear,Module,autograd
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

class model(Module):
    def __init__(self, name=""):
        self.a1 = Linear(4,3)
    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.a1(x)

MM = model()
opti = Adadelta(MM.parameters(),lr=100)

for i in range(1, 3):
    w = np.arange(24).reshape(1, 2, 3, 4).astype(np.float64)
    param = XTensor(w)
    param.requires_grad = True
    with autograd.tape():
        y = MM(param)

[[ 0.7224208  0.2421015  0.1118234  0.0082053]
[-0.9264768  1.0017226 -0.4860411 -1.7656817]
[ 0.282856   1.7939901  0.7871605 -0.4880418]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>

[[ 0.6221698  0.1418506  0.0115724 -0.0920456]
[-1.0267278  0.9014716 -0.586292  -1.8659327]
[ 0.1826051  1.6937392  0.6869095 -0.5882927]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.optimizer.Adagrad(params, lr=0.01, epsilon=1e-08)

Implements Adagrad algorithm. reference: (https://databricks.com/glossary/adagrad)

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} moment\_new &= moment + g * g\\param\_new &= param - \frac{lr * g}{\sqrt{moment\_new} + \epsilon} \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • params – params of model which need to be optimized

  • lr – learning_rate of model (default: 0.01)

  • epsilon – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8)


a Adagrad optimizer


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Adagrad,Linear,Module,autograd
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

class model(Module):
    def __init__(self, name=""):
        self.a1 = Linear(4,3)
    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.a1(x)

MM = model()
opti = Adagrad(MM.parameters(),lr=100)

for i in range(1, 3):
    w = np.arange(24).reshape(1, 2, 3, 4)
    param = XTensor(w)
    param.requires_grad = True
    with autograd.tape():
        y = MM(param)
[[ -99.17758  -99.6579   -99.78818  -99.89179]
[-100.82648  -98.89828 -100.38604 -101.66568]
[ -99.61714  -98.10601  -99.11284 -100.38804]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>

[[-169.88826 -170.36858 -170.49886 -170.60248]
[-171.53716 -169.60895 -171.09671 -172.37637]
[-170.32782 -168.81668 -169.82352 -171.09872]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.optimizer.Adam(params, lr=0.01, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, amsgrad: bool = False)

Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization reference: (https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980),it can dynamically adjusts the learning rate of each parameter using the 1st moment estimates and the 2nd moment estimates of the gradient.

\[t = t + 1\]
\[lr = lr*\frac{\sqrt{1-\beta2^t}}{1-\beta1^t}\]

if amsgrad = True

\[moment\_2\_max = max(moment\_2\_max,moment\_2)\]


  • params – params of model which need to be optimized

  • lr – learning_rate of model (default: 0.01)

  • beta1 – coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: 0.9)

  • beta2 – coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: 0.999)

  • epsilon – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8)

  • amsgrad – whether to use the AMSGrad variant of this algorithm (default: False)


a Adam optimizer


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Adam,Linear,Module,autograd
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

class model(Module):
    def __init__(self, name=""):
        self.a1 = Linear(4,3)
    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.a1(x)

MM = model()
opti = Adam(MM.parameters(),lr=100)

for i in range(1, 3):
    w = np.arange(24).reshape(1, 2, 3, 4)
    param = XTensor(w)
    param.requires_grad = True
    with autograd.tape():
        y = MM(param)

[[ -99.17759   -99.6579    -99.788185  -99.8918  ]
[-100.826485  -98.89828  -100.38605  -101.66569 ]
[ -99.61715   -98.10601   -99.11285  -100.38805 ]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>

[[-199.17725 -199.65756 -199.78784 -199.89145]
[-200.82614 -198.89795 -200.38571 -201.66534]
[-199.61682 -198.10568 -199.1125  -200.3877 ]]


class pyvqnet.xtensor.optimizer.Adamax(params, lr=0.01, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08)

Implements Adamax algorithm (a variant of Adam based on infinity norm).reference: (https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980)

\[\begin{split}\\t = t + 1\end{split}\]
\[norm\_new = \max{(\beta1∗norm+\epsilon, \left|g\right|)}\]
\[lr = \frac{lr}{1-\beta1^t}\]
\[\begin{split}param\_new = param − lr*\frac{moment\_new}{norm\_new}\\\end{split}\]
  • params – params of model which need to be optimized

  • lr – learning_rate of model (default: 0.01)

  • beta1 – coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: 0.9)

  • beta2 – coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: 0.999)

  • epsilon – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8)


a Adamax optimizer


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import Adamax,Linear,Module,autograd
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

class model(Module):
    def __init__(self, name=""):
        self.a1 = Linear(4,3)
    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.a1(x)

MM = model()
opti = Adamax(MM.parameters(),lr=100)

for i in range(1, 3):
    w = np.arange(24).reshape(1, 2, 3, 4)
    param = XTensor(w)
    param.requires_grad = True
    with autograd.tape():
        y = MM(param)

[[ -99.17758   -99.6579    -99.788185  -99.89179 ]
[-100.82648   -98.89828  -100.38605  -101.66568 ]
[ -99.61714   -98.10601   -99.11285  -100.38804 ]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>

[[-199.17758 -199.6579  -199.7882  -199.89178]
[-200.82648 -198.89827 -200.38605 -201.66568]
[-199.61714 -198.106   -199.11285 -200.38803]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.optimizer.RMSProp(params, lr=0.01, beta=0.99, epsilon=1e-08)

Implements RMSprop algorithm. reference: (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1308.0850v5.pdf)

\[s_{t+1} = s_{t} + (1 - \beta)*(g)^2\]
\[param_new = param - \frac{g}{\sqrt{s_{t+1}} + epsilon}\]
  • params – params of model which need to be optimized

  • lr – learning_rate of model (default: 0.01)

  • beta – coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: 0.99)

  • epsilon – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8)


a RMSProp optimizer


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import RMSProp,Linear,Module,autograd
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

class model(Module):
    def __init__(self, name=""):
        self.a1 = Linear(4,3)
    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.a1(x)

MM = model()
opti = RMSProp(MM.parameters(),lr=100)

for i in range(1, 3):
    w = np.arange(24).reshape(1, 2, 3, 4)
    param = XTensor(w)
    param.requires_grad = True
    with autograd.tape():
        y = MM(param)

[[ -999.17804  -999.6584   -999.78864  -999.8923 ]
[-1000.82697  -998.89874 -1000.38654 -1001.6662 ]
[ -999.6176   -998.1065   -999.11334 -1000.38855]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>

[[-1708.0596 -1708.54   -1708.6702 -1708.7738]
[-1709.7085 -1707.7803 -1709.2681 -1710.5477]
[-1708.4991 -1706.988  -1707.9949 -1709.27  ]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>


class pyvqnet.xtensor.optimizer.SGD(params, lr=0.01, momentum=0, nesterov=False)

Implements SGD algorithm. reference: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_gradient_descent)

  • params – params of model which need to be optimized

  • lr – learning_rate of model (default: 0.01)

  • momentum – momentum factor (default: 0)

  • nesterov – enables Nesterov momentum (default: False)


a SGD optimizer


import numpy as np
from pyvqnet.xtensor import SGD,Linear,Module,autograd
from pyvqnet.xtensor import XTensor

class model(Module):
    def __init__(self, name=""):
        self.a1 = Linear(4,3)
    def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.a1(x)

MM = model()
opti = SGD(MM.parameters(),lr=100,momentum=0.2)

for i in range(1, 3):
    w = np.arange(24).reshape(1, 2, 3, 4)
    param = XTensor(w)
    param.requires_grad = True
    with autograd.tape():
        y = MM(param)

[[-5999.1777 -6599.6577 -7199.788  -7799.8916]
[-6000.8267 -6598.8984 -7200.386  -7801.6655]
[-5999.617  -6598.106  -7199.113  -7800.388 ]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>

[[-13199.178 -14519.658 -15839.788 -17159.89 ]
[-13200.826 -14518.898 -15840.387 -17161.666]
[-13199.617 -14518.105 -15839.113 -17160.389]]
<Parameter 3x4 cpu(0) kfloat32>